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博客來-A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010043451
Thousands of years ago, when monsters roamed the earth and magic ruled the world, the Greeks set sail among the islands of the Aegean Sea in search of incredible riches and fantastic adventures...adventures that would become legendary!
The Gorgons: cruel witches with snakes for hair
Midas: everything he touched turned to gold...even people!
Hercules: the greatest hero of all time
Chimaera: part lion, part goa, part snake - but all monster!
Pegauss: the magical flying horse.
These are only a few of the fabulous heroes and monsters in this collection of classic Green adventures retold especially for young people by one of the world's greatest authors.
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